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Alliance of UK Virtual Assistants

a non-profit organisation established by VAs for VAs and their clients.

This free resource contains a Directory of UK Virtual Assistants,
searchable by county or by skills


Di Chapman - Irene Boston - Jo Johnston

IB Secretarial Services

To meet the growing demand and increased awareness of virtual working in the UK, four businesswomen, Jo Johnston, Diane Chapman, Jean Frost and Irene Boston, founded the Alliance of UK Virtual Assistants http://www.allianceofukvirtualassistants.org.uk. The founders met through Internet discussion groups.  They became frustrated by the lack of support and advice available.  At that time there were few web sites for virtual workers and none really addressed their needs.  Hence the Alliance was founded and all four developed the web site on a voluntary basis. 

The Alliance is a free resource for virtual workers and clients, containing a database of members, advice and specialised links.  There is also a lively discussion forum where members can exchange tips and ideas as well as supporting each other.  The site is a free, non-profit resource, dedicated to matching a client to a virtual worker.  Established in October 2000, the membership has risen steadily to over 100 members at present. 

One of the surprising aspects of the Alliance is that none of the founders or members have met face-to-face.  It is interesting how we managed to ‘find’ each other on the Internet and then to realise that we all had similar ideas and goals, not only for our businesses, but for virtual working as a whole.  This must surely illustrate how the virtual assistant concept can be just as positive and successful as traditional forms of working. 

By using this network of experienced colleagues, the Alliance of UK Virtual Assistants is able to offer clients access to a much wider range of skills. 

Clients seeking to outsource their business and office support needs can easily access the AUKVA website and search for the particular skill or service they require.  Instead of trawling the internet and ploughing through dozens of individual VA websites in order to find the help they need, the directory lists details of VAs across the UK in ONE central place. 

The Directory is divided into listings of VAs by UK counties and by skills.  A client can search for a VA geographically close to their location or they can search for a particular service.  Links from the Directory lead through to VAs via their websites or emails, and each entry details the services an individual VA offers.

Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1485 543746  Boston@ibss.fsnet.co.uk

Copyright © Irene Boston 1998-2004
IB Secretarial Services
All Rights Reserved
 Web Site Design - Irene Boston
All contents of this website are protected under copyright law.  No part of this website may be reproduced in any form, electronic or otherwise without written permission from IBSS.  Any copyright breach will be reported to the relevant authorities.  This page was last updated 20th January 2003